

Novel Drug Delivery System Notes For B.Pharm 7th Semester

Novel Drug Delivery System Notes For B.Pharm 7th Semester PDF Download Novel Drug Delivery System Unit 1: Controlled drug delivery systems, Polymers Novel Drug Delivery System Unit 2: Microencapsulation, Mucosal Drug Delivery system, Implantable Drug Delivery Systems Novel Drug Delivery…

Pharmacy Practice Notes For B.Pharm 7th Semester

Pharmacy Practice Notes For B.Pharm 7th Semester PDF Download Pharmacy Practice Unit 1: Hospital and its organization, Hospital pharmacy and its organization, Adverse drug reaction, Community Pharmacy Pharmacy Practice Unit 2: Drug distribution system in a hospital, Hospital formulary, Therapeutic…

Industrial Pharmacy II Notes For B.Pharm 7th Semester

Industrial Pharmacy II Notes For B.Pharm 7th Semester PDF Download Industrial Pharmacy II Unit 1: Pilot plant scale-up techniques Industrial Pharmacy II Unit 2: Technology development and transfer Industrial Pharmacy II Unit 3: Regulatory Affairs, Regulatory requirements for drug approval…

Instrumental Method of Analysis Notes For B.Pharm 7th Semester

Instrumental Method of Analysis Notes For B.Pharm 7th Semester PDF Download Instrumental Method of Analysis Unit 1: UV Visible spectroscopy, Fluorimetry Instrumental Method of Analysis Unit 2: IR spectroscopy, Flame Photometry, Atomic absorption spectroscopy, Nepheloturbidometry Instrumental Method of Analysis Unit…